There are several points on the body that we will tap during EFT, these are the meridian points and follow Chinese acupuncture. They are located on the head and upper body. If you are booking EFT sessions we will go through the exact locations of these points during the session and 'how to tap'.
Which points will we tap on?
We will start tapping the Karate Chop point located at the side of your hand, it doesn't matter which hand you tap with and which you tap on.
Then with start tapping in the following sequence:
Top of the head - this is located between the top of your forehead and the back of your head
Eyebrow - The start of your eyebrow where you can feel the bone
Side Eye - the inner area of your eye socket before your eye lid
Under Eye - around the middle of your eye on the collar bone
Under Nose - in between your nose and your mouth in the centre of the ridge in the middle
Chin - in the ridge of your chin
Collar bone - at the very start of your collar bone
Under Arm - about 4 inches from your armpit
Thumb and fingers - tapping on the inner side of the nails (or both sides)
What will we do while we tap?
Before we tap we will identify some problem statements, these will be limiting beliefs, events from the past, emotions that we want to work on. We will then create a set up statement.
The set up statement will use the thing we want to improve or change and a positive affirmation. It usually ends up something like..."even though I have had this fear of embarrassing myself I love and accept myself entirely"
Before we start tapping we will scale you using SUE scale - subjective units of experience. This is from -10 being the worst 0 being the least negative. It also can be used to see how the positive affirmation feels moving towards +10 being I fully believe the statement.
If you have more than one belief it is best to work on one at a time and tap a few rounds before re-scaling
how to tap
When we have the statement set up we will tap on the karate chop point while saying the statement out loud, or if you prefer you can say it in your head. We will repeat this three times.
You can use two or three fingers to tap on each point, we will then repeat the shortened statement while tapping around 5-7 taps on each point. For example using our example statement might this be 'I feel embarrassed' or 'fear of embarrassment'
How long does tapping last?
This will depend on how you feel after each round of tapping, if you feel like the emotion or thought has decreased in severity you might wish to move on to another, or you might want to spend more time on this one until you feel it is at an appropriate level.
how many sessions of eft will I need?
I combine this with my solutions focused brief therapy, mindfulness and hypnotherapy to cover conscious and subconscious mind and body connection. It might be used during a session with one or all of these approaches depending on the problems and what the best outcome is.
EFT can be practised easily at home in between sessions and self administered on many emotions and thoughts.
I recommend a minimum of three sessions to make sure you are benefiting from the correct techniques for the problems and to get enough experience should you then continue at home.
If you are ready to book a discovery call or Introduction Session with me then you can do that easily on my booking page.